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Welcome. My full name is Dada Diipajinanananda (pron. deep-gyan-ananda) a name I took on becoming a monastic disciple of Shrii Shrii Anandamurti (BABA), the great Tantric spiritual master of the 20th century. Writing under his civil name P.R. Sarkar, he was also a revolutionary social visionary who propounded PROUT, acronym for the PROgressive Utilization Theory – an ecologically sustainable, holistic, socio-economic alternative to the style of capitalism based on self and greed that currently dominates our global society.

I’ve started this blog as a form of self-expression, to share something of myself and my thoughts. It’s also my intention and desire that it may be of some help and value to others. Apart from thoughts on self-development and spirituality I am including some of my experiences on the spiritual path as well as views on social topics and PROUT. In the menu on the right side of this page you will be able to choose posts by date or category. The comments function which allows readers to respond to posts is not currently enabled, but please feel free to send your feedback, thoughts and comments to me at [email protected]

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